Posted on: 11/03/2023 Posted by: earl159135 Comments: 0
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作詞:藍奕邦 / Rap:marife,作曲:INFX (ARTiffect) / Mila Alacio / French Hex,編曲:INFX (ARTiffect),監製:T-Ma 馬敬恆 / 謝國維

(So I’ve heard this Marfullous Universe can Attract anything! Anything?
But I guess we can choose what we wanna try, right?)

Every time I swipe my phone
I skip the red dots
It’s probably just me but they give me bad thoughts
Swimming in the bathtub
Chilling on the seesaw
You got the Blind Faith
Get out of my way

hon3/hon1 hon3/hon1 hung4 sik1 dik1 bo1 dim2
Home Screen裡繼續搏命湧現
Home Screenleui5/lei5 gai3 juk6 bok3 meng6 yung2 yin6
誰要連線 無法避免
seui4 yiu3 lin4 sin3 mou4 faat3 bei6 min5
就似紅蟻 死命亂纏
jau6 chi5 hung4 ngai5 sei2 ming6/meng6 lyun6 chin4/jin6

(I’m dizzy)
gung1 hoi2 ji1 seun3 gik6 baau3 paang4
tai2 dak1 sam1 ngaan5 jau6 faat3 maang4
好想哼句經 可唱走灰塵
hou2 seung2 hang1 geui3 ging1 ho2 cheung3 jau2 fui1 chan4
點點鼠尾草 驅散閒人逼近
dim2 dim2 syu2 mei5 chou2 keui1 saan3 haan4 yan4 bik1 gan6/kan5

sau2 gei1 fuk1 dak1 dou1 jau6 faai3 laan6
dyun2 seun3 dong1 maan5 faan6
好想哼句經 一唱整啞人
hou2 seung2 hang1 geui3 ging1 yat1 cheung3 jing2 a2 yan4
手執一棍拂 一掃趕走人
sau2 jap1 yat1 gwan3 fat1 yat1 sou3 gon2 jau2 yan4

I’ve got the power of the universe
Silencio (sh…!) Perfecto

預備出動巫術 Hocus Pocus!
yu6 bei6 cheut1 dung6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
haan4 yin4 jeui1 gik1 tung1 tung1 bei6/pei5 haak3 jat6
誰人不學無術 Hocus Pocus!
seui4 yan4 bat1 hok6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
nim6 lik6 yat1 cheut1 dou2 jeui2 gei2 do1 gin6/gin2 gwaai3 mat6

Wooh~ 猶如賜咒語那樣
Wooh~ yau4 yu4 chi3 jau3 yu5 na5 yeung6
Wooh~ 嘍囉個個要退讓
Wooh~ lau3/lau1/lau4 lo1 go3 go3 yiu3 teui3 yeung6

靜靜出動巫術 Hocus Pocus!
jing6 jing6 cheut1 dung6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
jip3 sau1 dak1 do1 jip3 sau1 dou3/dou2 yik1 wat1~Yeah~
(其實你啲message 呢
(kei4 sat6 nei5 di1message ni1
ngo5 jan1 hai6 chyun4 bou6 dou1 mou5 tai2 dou3 ga3)
Tic Tic Tic 秒針都生銹
Tic Tic Tic miu2 jam1 dou1 saang1 sau3
seung6 yau5 gwo3 baak3 laap6 saap3 din6 yau4
Del Del Del Del不走追究
Del Del Del Delbat1 jau2 jeui1 gau3
mou4 ha6 ying1/ying3 jip3 maan6 go3 deui3 sau2

曬太陽 跳進泳池
saai3 taai3 yeung4 tiu3 jeun3 wing6 chi4
怪信號 照樣搏命跟住
gwaai3 seun3 hou6 jiu3 yeung2 bok3 meng6 gan1 jyu6
截斷連線 仍有伏線
jit6 tyun5 lin4 sin3 ying4 yau5 buk6/fuk6 sin3
蒙蔽視線 擾亂睡眠
mung4 bai3 si6 sin3 yiu2 lyun6 seui6 min4

(I’m dizzy)
fong1 gaan1 chung1 mun5 waai6 hei3 cheung4
dou1 seung2 jaau2 ngo5 jou6 deui3 jeung6
好想哼句經 可唱走灰塵
hou2 seung2 hang1 geui3 ging1 ho2 cheung3 jau2 fui1 chan4
一哼熄晒機 通訊全然癱瘓
yat1 hang1 sik1 saai3 gei1 tung1 seun3 chyun4 yin4 taan2 wun6

gon2 jau2 wu1 ying1 keui1 juk6 lyut3 bai6
yu4 ho4 ji3 sin6 cheung4
好想哼句經 一唱整啞人
hou2 seung2 hang1 geui3 ging1 yat1 cheung3 jing2 a2 yan4
手執一棍拂 一掃趕走人
sau2 jap1 yat1 gwan3 fat1 yat1 sou3 gon2 jau2 yan4

I’ve got the power of the universe
Silencio (sh…!) Perfecto

預備出動巫術 Hocus Pocus!
yu6 bei6 cheut1 dung6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
haan4 yin4 jeui1 gik1 tung1 tung1 bei6/pei5 haak3 jat6
誰人不學無術 Hocus Pocus!
seui4 yan4 bat1 hok6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
nim6 lik6 yat1 cheut1 dou2 jeui2 gei2 do1 gin6/gin2 gwaai3 mat6

Wooh~ 猶如賜咒語那樣
Wooh~ yau4 yu4 chi3 jau3 yu5 na5 yeung6
Wooh~ 嘍囉個個要退讓

靜靜出動巫術 Hocus Pocus!
jing6 jing6 cheut1 dung6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
jip3 sau1 dak1 do1 jip3 sau1 dou3/dou2 yik1 wat1~Yeah~

雜念 太易由世俗撩動
jaap6 nim6 taai3 yi6/yik6 yau4 sai3 juk6 liu4/liu1 dung6
心花 先要自己秘密種
sam1 fa1 sin1 yiu3 ji6 gei2 bei3 mat6 jung2/jung3

ma4 faan4 yan4 teng1 gin3 jau3 yu5 jaam6 si4 bit6 syut3 wa6
lau3/lau1/lau4 lo1 mun4 teng1 gin3 jau3 yu5 jau6 wui4 bei6 ngo5 ba6/ba1
seui4 dou1 ya5 jik6 dak1 heui3~ fong3 hung1~ ma3

Silencio Perfecto

預備出動巫術 Hocus Pocus!
yu6 bei6 cheut1 dung6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
haan4 yin4 jeui1 gik1 tung1 tung1 bei6/pei5 haak3 jat6
誰人不學無術 Hocus Pocus!
seui4 yan4 bat1 hok6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
nim6 lik6 yat1 sik1 keui1 gon2 si1 seung2 noi6 fai3 mat6

Wooh~ 猶如賜咒語那樣
Wooh~ yau4 yu4 chi3 jau3 yu5 na5 yeung6
Wooh~ 靈魂也悄悄發亮
Wooh~ ling4 wan4 ya5 chiu3 chiu3 faat3 leung6

靜靜出動巫術 Hocus Pocus!
jing6 jing6 cheut1 dung6 mou4 seut6 Hocus Pocus!
那污糟口舌一概堵塞 Yeah~
na5 wu1 jou1 hau2 sit3 yat1 koi3 dou2 sak1 Yeah~

(Hocus Pocus)
(Hocus Pocus)

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本文由Earl Gravity 撰寫,歡迎分享本文

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